Dear Single Mom, You Are Enough!
Dear Single Mom,⠀
I see you overwhelmed. I see your fear of failure. I see you worry about the future.
I see you crying in the closet after the kids are in bed because you don’t know how you are going to pay rent next month. I see you thinking you are failing at this thing called motherhood.
I see you sacrificing dinners with friends, pedicures, and hair cuts so your kids can be in soccer, cheer, or the sport they love. I see you praying at night that one day you will never have to worry about having more month than money. I see you working multiple jobs and having to leave your kids in someone else’s care when you would rather be home with your babies. I see you wondering if you will be able to ever take care of you again and follow your dreams.
I see you. I was you. Not only did I lose the father of my children to cancer, but in that moment I became the sole provider. I was the only understanding shoulder for my 8 children to cry on when they missed him on his birthday, at Christmas or just because. I too had to find strength enough to comfort them without falling apart and remind them of all the good memories they have inter heart to fall back on. I too had to smile and say ‘Yes, no problem!’ When they asked if we could buy a new pair of running shoes because they had outgrown theirs, or if they could go to the class picnic that had a price tag – or any number of other things. As difficult as the trials are, I’m here to tell you….. your kids DO see what you are doing for them. They need you and love you. God hears your cries. He loves you. This pain is for a purpose…. redirect it to find your calling. You are worthy. You are enough. Keep going. Don’t Give Up! You will make it. Joy comes in the morning. Don’t forget that.⠀
The single mom who gets it💓
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